A Walking Miracle
Marcia Higbee never thought she would get breast cancer. For ten years Marcia hadn't had a mammogram. When she realized that it had been so long since her last screening, she went for one in October 2009. The results of the mammogram revealed there was something suspicious. After a second mammogram and a biopsy, it was proved that Marcia had cancer in her left breast.
Her surgeon told her she would have to undergo surgery followed by seven weeks of radiation treatment. Marcia was in shock. As she returned to her car she thought "This could not be happening to me. This is a bad dream and I will eventually wake up."
Marcia and her husband Bill have been Christians over twenty five years. When she got hoem, theyt began to pray together. As they prayed, her fear was cast down and her faith built up. Every morning they prayed in the name of Jesus against the cancer cells. They commanded the cancer cells to shrink and die in Jesus' name.
Before the surgery, Marcia had a dream in which she was lying on the operating table with her surgeon standing over her. Behind the surgeon was Jesus with His hand around the surgeon's shoulder. Later she told the surgeon about the dream. He was surprised because another patient had given him a painting which showed the same picture.
Following surgery, Marcia went to the oncologist to learn of the results of the surgery. He was baffled because Marcia's tumor at surgery was only one quarter the size it was at the biopsy. He couldn't explain the cause for the tumor's dramatic decrease in size, but Marcia knew exactly why. "The name of Jesus shrank the tumor according to the way we prayed!
Now when Marcia goes to the grocery store or does other shopping and sees another woman wearing pink, she talks to this person. " I tell her what God did for me and He will do the same for her. What the devil meant for bad, God can turn for good."