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How will I tell My Babygirl

When you go in for your yearly womanly check up you never think that they will find breast cancer. They did all I could think of how am I going to tell my 10 yr old babygirl. I am a single Mom and She and I have been through so much. Even though I have a Family history of it Mom, Aunts, Grandma, 2 out of 3 sisters. My oldest sister and I went to My Mom's to tell my daughter she took it pretty well or so I thought when we were alone she cried and said I don't want you to die. I told her that God knows how much we need each other and he will not let that happen. So we talked and I made my decision I would take them both off and reconstruct just get rid of it they are not important what is important is being her for my daughter. I personally was very lucky I had a wonderful Mom and Daughter to be with me after all my surgery's and wonderful family and friends. My lil girl washed me, helped me get dressed, measured and drained my tubes she was a God send. She is truely my Angel Baby.I have had four surgery's the last yr. But I have had wonderful doctors. Because of the way I did this whole process and because I did the Oncotype test I did not have to have chemo or radiation. This test show from your cancer what your changes are of it coming back I am at 9% so my Doctor said even with giving me chemo or Radiation it would bring me to a 7% or take Tamoxifen for five yrs and monitor you. Have a Super Fantastic Day ! Thanks Family and Friends

Littlerock, CA

The Day My Life Changed

Jan of 2007, I went for my yearly Mamo I was told that I had Breast Cancer. I went to my Gen Surgeon, the next step was for a breast tissue biopsy.
Everything was explained, the next step would be a sentinel lymph node biopsy.The removal of 3 node's one had a very small speck of cancer. And my Oncologist felt the tiny speck wasn't concern enough to have Chemo it would only improve my chances by 3 or 4 percent which we both felt wasn't enough to endure the side effects of chemo.
After my healing time about 3 weeks or so I started my radiation setup, and daily treatments 5 day's a week.A total of 33 treatments.
All went well and at times I didn't even feel like I was having any side affects by the last two weeks things changed quickly. I was so burned and raw and then the fatigue set in the side affects took awhile for me to heal and return to my normal self which for me took longer than I thought it would be.
But, 2 years later at 58 I am doing wonderful and due my continued 6 month check up in April and for my now yearly mamo.
I take a daily Arimidex to help keep my hormones controlled since my cancer was a hormone positive cancer.
I do see life much differently now! I am a Breast Cancer Survior! And I am stronger now than I was before. A yearly Mamo is how my breast cancer was caught, earlier enough to save my life so I can have more precious time with my loved ones,family and friends and even my doggies.


kansas city, MO

Survivor 2+ months and counting

My annual exam was Jan.7th, 2009 with a Mammogram on the 8th. With-in 12 days I was back for a higher tech mammo, ultra sound and to my surprise, a biopsy. In one more week, we were meeting with my surgeon for results and a consult. 80% of the lumps are just lumps. Mine showed a malignancy. Our HMO does not mess around. Surgery was scheduled, "just in case." They encouraged me to seek a second opinion if there were any doubts.

For my age, (63) the two recommendations were lumpectomy with 5 weeks of radiation or mastectomy. My right breast was already considerably smaller than the left. Lumpectomy would have made the size difference worse. Mastectomy with a possible reconstruction down the road was the right choice for me. Arimidex, a hormone blocker, is recommended too.

The mastectomy was done on Feb.10th. For pain control, my surgeon used a pump device called ON-Q. It is a drip system that numbs the incision. My recovery was easy and pretty much pain free. Not having to work really helped. How in the world do young women with children do it?

If you are lucky like me and have the support of family and friends, breast cancer can be reduced to just one more bump in the road. Early detection is very important! If I had skipped my annual mammogram, my fight would be much more difficult. The lump was "hiding" under my nipple. It was difficult to feel even when shown where it was. My stage one cancer with negative nodes is so much easier to fight than it could have been. Thank heaven for Mammograms. My Doctor expects me to be around to watch our Grand kids grow up. Life is good!

Fontana, CA

Almost One Year

It all started on a November afternoon when I received that call saying the words that no one wants to hear, "you have cancer". At that point my life changed forever. I went through 3 surgeries, and finally had to have a masectomy on my left breast. I am one of the lucky ones. My cancer level was very low so I did not have to go through chemo or radiation. I am on Tamoxifin for 5 years and will be cancer-free for one year on April 3. I have learned so much through this ordeal. Do not give up. Do not give in to this disease. Be strong. Fight and live your life to the fullest. I now look at life from a very different angle. God gave you life and he can take it away. Luckily He wants me on this earth for a purpose. I am enjoying life to its fullest with my husband of 23 years, my daughter, son-in-law and son.

Reisterstown, MD

Never would have thought I would be the one!!!!

Hello I am 35 years old three year survivor of breast cancer. I never would have thought of having a mammogram at my age so lucky me, my Dr. found a lump on one side but the cancer was on the other side. I had a choice to have a lumpectomy but why take the chance so I just had a mastectomy to lesson my chances of the cancer coming back. I have taken this as a blessing from god and have been supporting others like me who don't have the support that is needed for this life long process. My prayers are with all of my sister's and brother's of cancer may the lord bless you!

I would like to say thank you to the wonderful Dr Wanda Simmons-Clemons for saving my life and pushing me to know that I could deal with this and to live on also to Dr. Schultz and Dr Sued of St Joseph for all of there support.

I am available for anyone who has any questions or just in the need of a friend to deal with the day to day feeling.

Baltimore, MD

Supporting the Cause through Art

About four years ago, my friend, Barb, and I started making jewelry. It quickly became a passionate hobby and I suggested that we start selling our jewelry. Because we both have friends and family that have dealt with breast cancer (some survivors, some not so lucky), we decided to donate 10% of every sale to breast cancer research. Barb is an architect and I am an engineer, so we named our company, Details. We have continued to grow in our abilities to come up with unique designs and now also include hand-knotted pearls and unique wire names and wire wrapped pendants. We have also had shows where 20% of the proceeds go to a specific person (coworker, friend, neighbor, etc.) to help with their medical expenses while they fight this disease.

We hope to make a difference. Hopefully, there will be a cure for this in my lifetime.

Lisa Coyan
Lenexa, KS

Mammograms save lives!

Mammograms save lives!

Four years ago I went to have my routine mammogram and the radiologist noticed a shadow on the films. He compared them to the mammogram I had the year before (at the same facility) and sent me for an ultrasound. The ultrasound along with a biopsy confirmed the fact that there was cancer there. Since that day I have had a lumpectomy with a sentinel node biopsy, radiation and a hysterectomy to improve my chances of remaining cancer free. I am a survivor all because I made it a point to have an annual mammogram. I believe strongly that mammograms save lives!

Tommi Jones
Lincoln, NE

Why I'm a supporter

I make my click everyday in support for all women to have to opportunity to be checked for Breast Cancer Annually. My Aunt is a SECOND time SURVIOR. Make your click today and help support raising awareness and funding for Mammagrams.

Melissa Stewart
Fort White, FL

Breast Cancer Survivor

In November of 2006, I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Fortunately, I was blessed to have this discovered at an early stage as a result of my yearly mammogram. Even after knowing exactly where it was, I was unable to feel it during a self-exam due to its small size and location.
My treatments began with having a partial mascectomy also known as a lumpectomy. This was followed by 33 radiation treatments. I then began a five-year daily treatment with Femara, which is a medication classified as an aromatose inhibitor to minimize the estrogen that is naturally produced in my body as my cancer was estrogen positive. Although each treatment has had its own side effects, each one has been well worth going through to increase my odds of survival. Test results every three months show no signs of the cancer.
Yes, I am a survivor! I thank God each day for helping me through this fight. The fight is a hard one but it can be won. Please get your mammograms and do your self-exams! The earlier cancer can be detected the better your chances of winning the fight.

Nancy Capp
Visalia, CA

Breast cancer is a sisterhood

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. I was taken totally by surprise because I had only 1 relative with breast cancer, I don't drink or smoke, and I breast-fed 3 babies. Luckily, I was referred to 3 outstanding doctors: my oncologist, surgeon, and plastic surgeon. I also had a wonderful support group who believe in the power of prayer. Not only did my Christian family and friends pray, but a Jewish friend prayed, and a mass was said in my name in Catherine, Italy. After having chemotherapy and a mastectomy, I am in remission. I take Evista every day and don't see my oncologist again until this summer.
Breast cancer is a sisterhood that you don't necessarily want to be a part of, but I'm happy to say that even though the membership is growing, our longivity is also growing thanks to good doctors, research, and the good Lord.

Beckie Taulbee
Las Cruces, NM