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Changing the Way Millions of People Fight Cancer

Changing the Way Millions of People Fight Cancer

It was December 6, 2013 when I first found out that my mom was diagnosed with uterine sarcoma cancer. I had recently graduated from SCU with my Bachelors in Psychology & Business and was just beginning my career as a Marketing Manager, when I received a frantic call from my sister saying that I had to come home to Hawaii immediately. Without hesitation, I went with my gut feeling and bought a one way ticket back to Hawaii, leaving my life and career behind.

Suddenly and without warning my family & I were thrown head first into the world of cancer. We were adapting to changes, often daily, that offered no road map, played by no rules, and had no sympathy. Feeling helpless and disoriented, we did what most people would do in this situation and relied fully on our oncologist to pave the path towards recovery. The hospital became more of a battle ground as my mom endured the grueling wounds caused by the side effects of her treatment. Although nothing about her hysterectomy or chemotherapy felt like a “treatment”, we knew there was no turning back at this point. We had to just stay patient and trust our journey.

On November 3, 2014, I watched my mom take her last breath as she gently loosened the grip she had on my hand. Since then I've worked endlessly on a one of a kind cancer planner called CanPlan designed to assist patients and caregivers through the daily battles of cancer. I used my Psychology background to integrate influences for positivity throughout the planner, my marketing background to design a beautiful planner with user friendliness in mind, and my grief to motivate me to create an effective tool that teaches cancer patients and caregivers that they 'Can Plan' to beat cancer.

Honolulu, HI

The Bravest Woman I know....My Mother

The Bravest Woman I know....My Mother

My mother, Sue Britton, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer in December 2015. The cancer was detected while getting her routine yearly mammogram. She was lucky enough to have the cancer caught early enough that the doctors were able to get it all out with the double mastectomy surgery and 12 chemo treatments.

She has been the strongest and bravest woman I have ever met throughout this entire horrible process and has always had a positive outlook on life. Our entire family has been there to provide support with every step of the process. The last chemo treatment was on April 26, 2016. The biggest support and her reason to kick this cancer for good has always been her 4 grandchildren. They have always loved her the same and showed her how proud they are even after she lost her hair from the treatments. In order to help her celebrate the last treatment and to show just how proud all of us are of her 4 grandchildren made her a sign. She took that sign with her to the last treatment and it proved to her just how lucky she is and to always keep fighting to keep that nasty cancer gone for good!!

Rachel West
Petersburg, IL

God watching over me

The end of February 2016, I decide at age 62 I wanted to lose weight and get healthy. I have never had any major health problems, not on any medications. I went to the doctor and he ordered a mammogram. I hadn't had one since 2005, I started to head home and call later for an appointment to get it done. Something told me to go to the hospital right then and set up the appointment. When I arrived at x-ray department they told me that they had a cancellation and they could do it right then. So I had it done. About a week later I was informed there was something in my right breast and I need to see a surgeon. My doctor called and got a surgeon to see me, he had another mammogram done and a ultra sound. Then he came in and told me that I need a biopsy in two different areas of my right breast. Then 3 days later I was informed that I had ducts carcinoma non invasive situ, that I could have a lumpectomy or as mastectomy, That if I did the lumpectomy I had to have radiation therapy. I have decided to have the mastectomy, which will be done on Monday May 2. My husband has been there and given me so much support. I'm a nurse and I know that I should have had my mammogram done yearly, and it is my the grace of God that I went to the hospital that day, because if I hadn't went I know that I would never have gotten the mammogram. I'm also have reconstruction surgery done at the same time, I know I have a long road ahead of me, but at least I will be here for my family.

Pamala Lukehart
Hillsboro, MO

I'm Moving On!

I'm Moving On!

I was diagnosed on September 30, 2015 with Triple Negative, Grade 3, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. We had to leave on a planned vacation, knowing I was awaiting biopsy results. Our flight landed and my phone rang with the call about 20 minutes later, confirming what I already knew in my heart. My husband and I handled that moment the best we could, considering we were driving down the road in our rental car with our two awesome boys, ages 12 and 13. We all cried and in hindsight, it may have been perfect timing because we held it together as much as possible to let our boys know that everything was going to be okay. We had traveled to Maryland because my husband was competing in his 2nd Ironman triathlon. An hour after that dreaded phone call, we found out his race was cancelled due to a incoming hurricane. A year of training...all for nothing. It was an unimaginable couple of hours in our lives.

Instead of flying back home, we decided to hop back in our rental car and drive back to Michigan. We were in no rush to face the music. We took our boys to Washington D.C to see the sites and then spent a couple days in Hershey, Pennsylvania. It was now October and Breast Cancer Awareness month had begun the day after my diagnosis. There were pink ribbons EVERYWHERE! But, it was honestly the best way I could think of to spend those few days.

I had a double mastectomy on October 20th and started 16 rounds of chemo on November 16th. I tested negative for any genetic genes, which was surprising because I had already survived thyroid cancer in 2003.

I finished chemo last week and thought it was going to be a quiet one with my husband and boys...until allll my family showed up. Who knew a chemo treatment could end up being one of the best days of your life? It sure was for me. I am one lucky Breast Cancer Survivor!!! God Bless...

Washington Township, MI

Never Thought I would hear those 3 words again

Back in 1995 when I was 35 I had a complete hysterectomy for cervical and uterine cancer. In Jan2016 I had just seen my ob/gyn and was told "congrats you are 20 years cancer free". I was on top of the world till Feb 4 2016 when I had my mammogram and they saw something they didn't like. 4 more images and told I needed a biopsy. My biopsy was negative but my surgeon was not convinced, he was sure I had cancer so he did a lumpectomy on Feb 23 and Feb 29 I got the results and heard those horrible words again. It was invasive ductal carcinoma and also DCIS. 1cm in size, late stage 1 early stage 2 grade 1b. Clean margins and clean lymph nodes. It is HER2neg and ER, PR positive. Oncotype DX score of 7 so no chemo, just 21 rounds of radiation that will be over on May 4, and an oral medication for the next 5 years. I am now 56 and I know that if I beat cancer once I will beat it again. To say I am not a little worried would be a lie but God, my wonderful husband and children and great doctors got me through cancer once and they will get me through it again.

Melinda Conner

Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

I am 50, my bad news were delivered to me on the day of my 50th birthday April, 7th 2016. Not the best gift for big birthday. I take it as sign, that second part of my life I will change completely. I am going to meet with my doctors in the next week. I am going to fight, I have to many plans that are not completed. And I am very determined to complete all my plans. I have the most wonderful family, husband , grown children, and my cousin, whom I never new. She showed to be my strongest rock and all of you ladies that went through your ordeal , you all give me strength and huge inspiration in my journey.
Thank You!!!!!!!

Denver, CO



I found a lump on my right breast on January 4, 2016 - 2 months after my annual mammogram. I immediately panicked and went to my OBGYN. He told me it was nothing but sent me down to radiology "just to be sure". The technician took one picture and left the room only to return with the radiologist that said it looks concerning and that I need a biopsy! I immediately called my sister and booked a trip to Florida!

On January 20 I had my biopsy and two days later heard the scariest words "Invasive Ductal Carcinoma". Stage 1, 1.9 cm, grade 3 and Estrogen Receptor Positive (10%). From there it was a wild ride of getting THREE opinions and finally sticking to one center where I found myself a great team. March 23 I had a double mastectomy - my choice because I never wanted to have this happen again! I was never so afraid in my life for surgery, it was my first surgery ever and I had no idea what to expect. It went really well and I honestly felt great after. The pain was manageable and I was up and around after a few days! I was ready to start my injections that would lead to my reconstruction in a few months!

April 1 I was told my pathology results - the 1.9 cm, grade 3, stage 1 tumor was in fact 4 cm, grade 3, stage 2 but that all lymph nodes are clear! Great news. April 6 I went for my first saline injections. Painful but again manageable. April 7 I was told I need 8 rounds of chemo. The words I prayed for months not to hear! Now my reconstruction gets put on hold, I am terrified of what will come, losing my hair, the impact this will have on my life but I am ready to fight because I know I am not alone. NO ONE IS ALONE IN THIS! We have each other and that is why I wanted to share my story. WE WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING!

Nancy Salvatici
East Windsor, NJ

44 el # de la derecha la veces que me han dado cancer y el de la izq. las veces que lo he vencido

44 el # de la derecha la veces que me han dado cancer y el de la izq. las veces que lo he vencido

Dios es grande y maravilloso, aqui estoy contando mi historia 2012 aparecio el cancer carcinoma ductal invasivo etapa 3 pecho derecho, Quimoterapia maxectomia y radiacciones, marzo 2014 regresa el mismo tipo de cancer en el pecho derecho, termine el tratamiento cirugia, quimoterapia y radiacciones, para Diciembre 2014 el cancer a regresado de nuevo en el pecho derecho quimoterapias, cirugia y radiacciones termine el tratamiento y para diciembre del 2015 el cancer regresa que se le conose como metastasis en el brazo y paleta derecha y otra ves cirugia radiaccciones y quimoterapia, ya se me olvidaron cuantas quimoterapias y radiacciones llevo llevo 5 cirugias. yo les doy un consejo vallan al doctor cada año, haganse sus tocamientos (jajajajaa) haganse el mamograma es muy importante para que no pases por lo que yo estoy pasando no se lo deseo a nadien
Dios me ha dado esta fuerza y esta tanquilidad para seguir luchando
Aqui hay dos caminos el rendirse o luchar y yo en todo este tiempo e luchado gracias a mi esposo Leo y mis hijas Leslie y Litzy que me han apoyado en todo

Lizeth Alanis
West Olive, MI

almost a 20 year breast cancer survivor

January 2017 I will be twenty years breast cancer free for those newly diagnosed if I can beat this you can like I said in past submissions you take the cards you are dealt in life meaning you can't change out your life cards like you can your cards in a poker game you are playing if you are playing poker and you want to get a better hand to win the pot in the middle over all the other players you can do that but you can't change out your life cards like you can your cards in a poker game even though you would want to.

Donna Schiro
Merryville, LA

I will be a 2 time winner

In May of 1996 at the age of 38 I heard those words, "You have breast cancer". I was diagnosed with stage 0 DCIS...Total radical mastectomy and 19 lymph nodes removed. Ny surgeon said he wanted to give me the best chance for survival. My children were 12, 7 and 3 All the lymph nodes were negative for cancer. No follow-up treatment and I survived 20 years without cancer. I went to my surgeon every 6 months for years and then was told that every year would be fine. I also saw an oncologist every 6 months.
In February of 2016 I heard those words again, You have breast cancer". I was speechless. This time the recurrence came back with a vengeance. Stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis to 5 spots on my bones. I was and still am speechless. I feel that when Dr's are speaking to me they are speaking to someone else. How could this have happened a 2nd time? Oh, I forgot to mention that the cancer came back on the same side that I have no breast.
I am a fighter and will continue to be one. My cancer is hormone positive and HER2 negative. A good combination I am told for the medication I will be taking.
My Dr's at the Cancer Treatment Center in Philadelphia refer to this as a chronic illness that will have to be managed for the rest of my life. I intend to have a long life and be a winner for the 2nd time.
I have a positive attitude and know I will beat this damn thing. I have too much to live for!!!! Children to be married and grandchildren to meet and lots more years with my husband.

Marlayne Sick
Monroe, NY