My name is Dawnmarie. I'm 48 years old a mother to 2 sons and a 3 time breast cancer survivor. My mother had breast cancer and so did her mother. I'm Braca 1 & 2 positive. I was 24 and my son was 15 months old when I was told I had cancer. I immediately had a mastectomy with reconstruction. I endured chemo and radiation. I was newly divorced and afraid of leaving my son alone. I did well. Fast forward 15 years. I now have 2 sons ages 12 and 15. I was told I was sick again. This time I was given 6 months. That was March 2007. Second mastectomy, chemo, radiation and 36 surgeries to date and I'm still here. I was stage 3B with mets, and ovarian cancer stage 1. My sons are my sole reason for being here. Never give up. Doctors can be wrong. And a mothers love can beat anything.
Dawnmarie SouzaRiverview, FL