Hi my name is Darlene, I have been battling stage 3 Triple negative breast cancer since October 2014. I went thru numerous tests, cat scans, bone scans, MRI, Ultra sounds, 6 needle biopsies and numerous blood work. I went thru over 20 rounds of chemo, a mastectomy, lymph nodes removed which came back with tumors and an explander and port placed in my chest. My immune system was affected which resulted in me getting injections 3 days a week during chemo. I went thru 30 rounds of radiation. 8 months after I had a recurrence and was on the operating table to get another tumor removed. Because of the recurrence I needed to get treatment again. I recently went thru 28 rounds of Proton radiation. I am currently on a chemo drug called Capecitabine. My expander and port are still in my chest. My expander won't come out until next year. I will be getting a latissimus Dorsi flap procedure. I am suffering from a lot of nerve and bone pain.
My advise to anyone going thru cancer is to always stay positive and never give up. We are all on the same team. Warriors💞
Parlin, NJ