I am currently on chemo 25 years later batting my 4th diagnosis. My 2 yr old is now 27 and was married a couple of months ago. God has truly blessed my life. You may not understand this but "cancer is the best worst thing that has ever happened to me" I remember back in 1993 hearing that ugly word for the first time and really just wanting to hear about someone that survived and was older that I could talk to but was not able to find anyone. Today I realize I am that person. I am a survivor because I have never let my guard down I have always questioned everything and have done everything in my power to take care of myself by eating right exercising staying positive and most importantly seeking the face of my creator. I may not understand why this has been my life story but I do understand I am a better person because of what I have learned . I have been blessed with being here to watch by daughter get married and I am still fighting I can't wait to see those grandbabies someday!
If you or someone you know would like to talk to me about my journey. I would be happy to speak with you.
Clovis, CA