Hello, my name is Daniel, and I would like to tell my wife's story. Her name is Cindy. When Cindy was 7, her mother got breast cancer. Eight years later she lost the battle. For years we had a dream about moving to Florida. We fianlly made the move in November of 1998. One year later we purchased our home. While we were having work done on our house Cindy found a lump in her breast. Concerned with family history, we wasted no time. After the mamogram, an appointment for a lumpectomy was made. It was the same day we were moving into our new house. On that first day in our new house we found out Cindy had breast cancer. We had a network of prayers, and Cindy was determined to beat this. Her attitude was so admirable. She loves to cook,and my Father, his wife, and son were in town. After we had invited them to dinner, we got a call and her first Chemo was scheduled for the same day. Cindy did not cancel dinner, but my Father was told it may be cancelled depending on how she felt after the Chemo. Dinner was exellent. Her courage was so admired. I went with her to most of her appointments, and could hear laughter between her and the staff during radiation. We both know the Good Lord heard all the prayers, and help Cindy keep the fabulous attitude she had through it all. Cindy has since help others thru the shock of getting the news. Her advise has been, get treatment and life will go on. She understand how hard the shock is when one is first diagnosed, but assures them life will go on. And it does. Cindy is unaware I am sending this. Daniel
Cindy BelliveauIndialantic, FL