May 2009 marks anniversary of 8 year survivor

May will mark the 8th year of being a breast cancer survivor...I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2001..I had a masectomy on the right side, chem, radiation and i am still on tamoxifen..At first when i had the initial diagnosis, i cried and i just could not believe it, i was only 43 years old and being diagnosed with breast cancer, it was like a bad nightmare..After a the news 2 weeks later i had the masectomy..You finally realize, i wil be ok..You have to be positive, talk to others about it and it will help a lot...Well, after all of the treatments were over, i was able to help others diagnosed with any type of cancer, i would always tell them to try to stay positive and try no to be negative at all...I know at first that is very hard to do, but with prayer, family and friends it is really an easy task..I would just like to say the same to all of you stay positive..Prayers, family and friends will get you thru this traumatic illness.You will be a survivor too..

Mary Cuti

Amite, LA