My story began after I had a normal mammogram in May of 2014. I have been getting my yearly mammograms since I was 30 due to my family history. After having my mammogram I then felt a lump in the top of my right breast. I advised my gynecologist at my appointment about my concern. He stated he didn't feel anything abnormal and because I have highly dense breast tissue that is what he thought it was but he referred my to the breast center because of expertise. I had my appointment with them in Oct.of 2014 and they looked over my mammogram and did their breast exam and told me the same thing. I was given a 6 month followup appointment. When I went back in late March of 2015 they asked about the lump and I told them that was the same lump that was there in October. Right away they ordered me to have an MRI that showed a mass. Then it was time for the biopsy. It came back as was 4.8 cm and very close to my chest wall, it was classified as Triple Negative. I was then given 16 rounds of chemo. The first 4 was the red devil two weeks. Then 12 weekly doses of the chemo Taxol. My last chemo was Sept.11, 2015. My surgery for a mastectomy was Oct.22, 2015. I had 8 physical therapy sessions due to some chest muscle had to be cut away. Then my radiation started Dec.8, 2015 everyday for 28 days then 5 days of boost radiation. I'm still healing from the burns. I'm waiting word now about a clinical trial for triple negative breast cancer. I am determined to beat this damn disease. I have a lot of support from family, friends, even strangers. My words of wisdom is always take charge of your health, we know our bodies better than any doctor. I believed I was ok because I had a normal mammogram and two very good doctors assured me it was just dense tissue.
julie taylorwilliamsport, MD