My story. Where do I start. No on ever wants to hear the words "you have cancer". On 10/14/14, I was told those words. I was diagnosed with Stage ll IDC. Was I scared? Yes. Was I mad? Yes. Was I sad? Yes. Did I cry? Yes. Hearing those words threw me into a whirlwind of.... what stage is it, how did this happen, what did I do wrong, why me, will I die, and many more. Then I was thrown into a whirlwind of appointments, scans, consultations, and procedures. Within a month I was having my first chemo treatment. After 6 rounds of chemo and a Bi Lateral Mastectomy with immediate TRAM Flap reconstruction (10 hour surgery on 4/22/15) I am cancer free. I did not need radiation. I wish there was a way I could pass on my positive attitude to others. I always say "everyday I wake up is a great day" and I mean it. I am always willing to share me experience in the hopes of helping someone. I am one of the lucky one's. There are many who have it a lot worse that I did. Don't get me wrong, everything about cancer sucks, but remember to breathe and take it one day at a time. There is light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to crawl thorough some pretty awful garbage in order to get there. You CAN do this. Keep on keeping on and and KICK CANCER'S BUTT!!!
JulieSanta Clara, CA