Today was my last chemo treatment and I have been on cloud 9!! No Mo' Chemo for me!!
I was 38 years old when I diagnosed on 2/26/16 with stage 2 breast cancer and had my first chemo treatment on 3/10/16 taking the last one today 7-7-16!! I will now move onto surgery and then radiation, I am waiting for those magical words "cancer free".
I have had mammograms since I was 23 because my mother passed away at the early age 31 of breast cancer in 1991. I had my routine mammogram on 7/2/15 that was clear and I found the mass in my breast on 2/13/16 myself. I was always dependent on the mammogram finding something because I did not know what I was looking for. However when I felt this I knew it was not right. Since I have been on this journey that had been my main thing to tell people and I feel that it is not my "platform" so-to-speak. Do not be dependent on a mammogram, feel of them if you feel something in one, feel the other to see if it is the same. When I felt my mass it was like nothing I had ever felt before. If I had not found it when I did it could have possibly been another 4-5 months before my next mammogram and who to say it would not have moved further through my lymph nodes by that time. Do your self great exams!! That is what saved me, I didn't do them often at all just randomly and praise God I did it that day and felt it. He brought me to this and He is bringing me through it!!! My family has been amazing and my husband and love of my life has been my rock through all of this!! Thanks for listening to my story, now onto recouping from this last shot of chemo and then onward to surgery!!
Sincerely, JT from Texas!!
Groveton, TX