I had a modified radical mastectomy and lymphedectomy (sp) when I was 51 in 1990. In those days there was no automatic follow-up if the lymph nodes were clear. Fast forward to 3/23/16. I went in for my annual wellness check. While checking my scar, the doctor had me raise my right arm. She then exclaimed "Do you know you have a hole in your side?" Needless to say this was news to me. She gave me an antibiotic prescription and told me to come back in a week. I did and the opening was not fully closed. She had a surgeon come in who took a biopsy right then. Two days later the surgeon told me I had a tumor and that it checked out as breast cancer! I had surgery on 4/20/6 and have just finished five weeks of radiation. I am sure hoping for another 26 years at least without cancer.
Joan H ZimmerPacifica, CA