I turned 40 in July and have been self breast checking for years. Until August when I found a lump in my left breast. I called my obgyn and immediately scheduled a mammogram. It confirmed a strong possibility of cancer. Shortly after, I had a biopsy which definitively proved cancer. A lumpectomy and node removal followed. 7 nodes were removed and we were given the great news that it luckily didn't spread to the nodes but it did come back Invasive ductal carcinoma - triple negative. Four rounds of Adriamycin & Cytoxan and four rounds of Taxol later I'm at my last chemo! After this 30 rounds of radiation await me but being over the chemo hurdle is a huge step. I have been blessed with amazing family and friends that have helped our family tremendously. My 5 & 8 year old never missed a beat thanks to their help! My advice to women... start breast checks as soon as you start to develop. The doctor said I was lucky to have found it before it spread. I hope the same for all women!
Megan HughesClarks Summit, PA