I had my yearly mammogram on 10-6-14 and received a letter to return for a magnified view. They found a .7 cyst and then did a sonogram, the doctor then ordered a biopsy. The results came back Invasive Lobular Carcinoma. A lumpectomy was scheduled on 12-10-14 and all went well. The surrounding area of the cyst came back clear. They did the Oncotype DX test to see if I would need to have chemo. The first two test were inconclusive, so they tested it a third time. Finally the results came back clear and I did not require chemo.
They did schedule 16 days of radiation, which in the end left me with a horrible burn on my chest. I tried all the recommended creams, but in the end nothing worked as well as just giving it time to heal. My cancer was hormone based, so my post op care includes taking a estrogen blocker. I go for check ups every three months with my oncology doctor and I go for a mammogram every six months.
I am proud to say that on 12-10-15, I reached one full year of being cancer free. I have to express to women how important it is to have your yearly mammograms. Early detection caught my cancer so early that it was not a danger to my life.
Brenda M. Crowder
Unicoi County, TN