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Bring The U.S. Back To The Global Climate Fight

5,080 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

16.93% Complete

Sponsor: The Rainforest Site

Call for action to restore our commitment and secure a livable future for every American.

Our country has a long tradition of leadership in science and diplomacy. Now, we must act to protect our communities and the planet. Extreme weather, rising seas, and worsening air quality threaten every corner of our nation. Our global partners depend on us to lead the fight against climate change. Every day we delay risks irreversible damage to our environment and our economy1.

A Global Pact for Change

The Paris Agreement brings nearly 200 countries together with a common goal: to reduce harmful emissions and promote clean energy. It is a framework that strengthens national efforts and fuels innovation in renewable energy. Rejoining the Agreement means embracing a future where economic growth and environmental sustainability move hand in hand. Without our participation, America risks falling behind in the emerging green economy and ceding influence to other nations2.

The Urgency of Action

Scientists confirm that climate change is real and the window to limit its impact is closing fast. Even small increases in temperature create risks for extreme weather and long-term economic instability3. Vulnerable communities suffer the most. Rejoining the Agreement will secure financial and technical support from the international community and safeguard American jobs in the renewable energy sector.

Your Voice Matters

Now is the time to act. Your voice can help restore American leadership and bring us back into the global effort to cut emissions and protect our natural resources. A strong re-engagement will show the world that the United States stands with those who strive for a sustainable, prosperous future. We need to send a clear message to our government leaders: we demand that America rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement.

Our future, the health of our communities, and the well-being of our planet depend on the decisions made today. Do not stand by as short-term interests undermine our national legacy. The world is watching, and history will remember our response.

Take a stand now. Sign the petition and let our leaders know that we expect them to put the safety of our planet and the prosperity of future generations first.

More on this issue:

  1. Esme Stallard and Mark Poynting, BBC News (21 January 2025), "What is the Paris climate agreement and why has Trump withdrawn?."
  2. Seth Borenstein, The Associated Press (D M Y), "Here’s what the Paris climate agreement does and doesn’t do."
  3. Han Chen (Alum), Jake Schmidt, Brendan Guy, NRDC (31 January 2017), "Why the Paris Agreement Is Good for the United States."
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The Petition:

To the President of the United States, United States Secretary of State, U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives,

We, the undersigned, respectfully call on you to take decisive action and rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement. Our nation has long been a leader in global innovation and diplomacy, and it is now time to reaffirm that leadership by returning to an international pact that unites nearly 200 countries in the fight against climate change.

The science is clear: human activities have accelerated global warming, resulting in unprecedented weather extremes, rising sea levels, and a host of environmental challenges. The Paris Agreement offers a comprehensive framework to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote clean energy solutions, and foster sustainable development worldwide. By rejoining the Agreement, the United States will demonstrate its commitment to addressing the most urgent crisis of our time, while also protecting the health, livelihoods, and security of future generations.

Our decision to reengage with this global effort is not merely symbolic. It is an investment in our economy, our national security, and the well-being of our planet. Rejoining the Paris Agreement will help mobilize critical financial and technological resources, boost domestic clean energy industries, and build international partnerships that are essential for driving progress in climate action. It will also reaffirm our nation's credibility on the world stage, inspiring other nations to enhance their commitments to reduce emissions and adapt to a changing climate.

We firmly believe that rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement will pave the way for a future where environmental sustainability and economic growth go hand in hand. Your leadership in this critical moment will ensure a healthier, safer, and more prosperous future for all Americans and for people around the globe.


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